Plans and Pricing

Start your free 30 day trial at the Standard Level just by registering. No credit card required. At anytime, choose which plan best suits your needs by upgrading inside CASEy. There are NO limitations during the trial, invite your colleagues to join you.

CASEy Lite

Create well formed visions and strategies, measure OKRs and KPIs, create challenges and ideas.
$ 7 Monthly (per user)

or $70 Yearly/User (2 months free)
  • Strategy Canvas (AI Assist)
  • Visions & Challenges (AI Assist)
  • OKRs and KPIs (AI Assist)
  • Ideas & Prioritization (AI Assist)
  • Email Notifications
  • Strategy Surveys (AI Assist)
  • Delivery/Work Tracking
  • Delay Tracking & Analysis
  • Dependency Management
  • Probabilistic Forecasting
  • Team Capacity Management
  • Connect to Slack, Zapier, JIRA
  • API Access

CASEy Standard

Add delivery work tracking, more AI assistance with heyCasey, and delay management.
$ 11 Monthly (per user)

or $110 Yearly/User (2 months free)
  • Strategy Canvas (AI Assist)
  • Visions & Challenges (AI Assist)
  • OKRs and KPIs (AI Assist)
  • Ideas & Prioritization (AI Assist)
  • Email Notifications
  • Strategy Surveys (AI Assist)
  • Delivery/Work Tracking
  • Delay Tracking & Analysis
  • Dependency Management
  • Probabilistic Forecasting
  • Team Capacity Management
  • Connect to Slack, Zapier, JIRA
  • API Access

CASEy Enterprise

Add enterprise-wide planning, forecasting and capacity management.
$ 15-22 Monthly (per user)

Tiered Pricing
  • Strategy Canvas (AI Assist)
  • Visions & Challenges (AI Assist)
  • OKRs and KPIs (AI Assist)
  • Ideas & Prioritization (AI Assist)
  • Email Notifications
  • Strategy Surveys (AI Assist)
  • Delivery/Work Tracking
  • Delay Tracking & Analysis
  • Dependency Management
  • Probabilistic Forecasting
  • Team Capacity Management
  • Connect to Slack, Zapier, JIRA
  • API Access
  • Skill Development Coming Soon!
  • Organization Design Coming Soon!

When you register, you are prompted to create an organization. For 30 days you get full access to explore and use CASEy. At any time you can choose a monthly or yearly plan for any number of users you want. If you don’t start a plan your data is kept accessible but becomes readonly in an additional 15 days (45 days total). You can still choose a plan at anytime to continue using CASEy. There are NO restrictions on the trial. You can invite others to your new organization.

CASEy Enterprise is best for companies who want to add teams and creators to their organization. We expect this to be in the 10+ user range.  Up to 10 users is $22 per user, then the price drops to $18 per user up to 25, then 15$ a user up to 100. We expect you to call us after that so we can negotiate a fair discount.


We take privacy and security seriously. We use industry best practices and leading vendors for sensitive information. Please review our privacy policy for specifics on how we handle your data and what vendors we use.

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